民族:汉 性别:男 讲师
出生日期:1983年2月 E-mail: phy.nslin@gmail.com
自然科学青年基金: 强低频和弱高频组合激光场中产生正负电子对的理论研究和数值模拟;项目号:11605286;起止年月:2017年1月至2019年12月;课题负责人.
五、 发表学术论文:
1.林南省,韩禄雪, 江淼,李英骏. 复合场下优化产生粒子对能量分布宽度的特性研究, 物理学报(Acta. Phys. Sin.), 67(13):133401, 2018.
2.W.V. Pogosov, N.S. Lin, and V.R. Misko. Electron-hole symmetry and solutions ofRichardsonpairing model. Eur. Phys. J. B, 86;235, 2013.
3.N.S. Lin, V.R. Misko, T.W. Heitmann, K. Yu, and B.L.T. Plourde. Density dependence of the rectification of vortex motion in a circular asymmetric channel. Physica C: Superconductivity,479:137, 2012.
4.N.S. Lin, T.W. Heitmann, K.Yu, B.L.T. Plourde, and V.R. Misko. Rectification of vortex motion in a circular ratchet channel. Phys. Rev. B, 84:144511, 2011.
5.N.S. Lin, V.R. Misko, and F.M. Peeters. Dynamics of vortex shells in mesoscopic supercon- ducting Corbino disks. BPhy, 2-2010:23, 2010.
6.N.S. Lin, V.R. Misko, and F.M. Peeters. Dynamics of multishell vortex structures in mesoscopic superconducting Corbino disks. Phys. Rev. B, 81:134504, 2010.
7.V.R. Misko, N.S. Lin, and F.M. Peeters. Unconventional dynamics of vortex shells in mesoscopic superconducting Corbino disks. Physica C: Superconductivity, 470:939, 2010.
8.N.S. Lin, V.R. Misko, and F.M. Peeters. Unconventional vortex dynamics in mesoscopic superconducting Corbino disks. Phys. Rev. Lett., 102:197003, 2009.