博学笃行 止于至善
2023.09.22,杨雄锋,教授,上海交通大学,Hydrodynamic limit of Boltzmann equations for mixture gas
发布时间: 2023-09-15 16:43 作者: 点击: 241

报告题目: Hydrodynamic limit of Boltzmann equations for mixture gas

报告人:   杨雄锋 教授 (上海交通大学)


In this talk, I will present the hydrodynamic limit of Boltzmann equations for mixture gas in the whole-space. Precisely, we derived the compressible Euler equations for two-component fluid from the kinetic system with molecular potential $-3/2<\gamma \leq 1$ by Hilbert expansion, then we justified the validity of this expansion under the assumption of the local existence of the smooth solution for compressible Euler equations. Our approach is based on the framework established in (Y. Guo, J. Jang and N. Jiang Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 63 (2010) no. 3, 337-361).

报告时间: 2023.9.22(周五) 下午 2:00-3:30

报告地点: #腾讯会议:985 176 152