博学笃行 止于至善
2022.8.9 ,王子腾, 博士, Northern Illinois University,A personal journey through operations research
发布时间: 2022-08-09 11:53 作者: 点击: 342



报告题目:A personal journey through operations research




        In this talk, I will share my experience of working in the field of operations research, both in industry and academia. I will talk about problems I work on, OR and mathematical methodologies for solving these problems, and the relationship of math/OR knowledge learned in classroom, their application in industry and advancement by research. Specific research projects include transportation, supply chain management, portfolio optimization, data approximation, and cutting stock problems. We will introduce some fundamentals of optimization and operations research including linear optimization, integer optimization, vehicle routing problems, portfolio optimization problems, and large-scale optimization methods.


报告人:王子腾  博士  Northern Illinois University


      Dr. Ziteng Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Northern Illinois University. He received his doctoral and master’s degrees in industrial engineering from North Carolina State University, and his bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Tsinghua University, China. Dr. Wang’s research interests lie in optimization, transportation and logistics, data analytics, computational algorithms, and supply chain networks. Dr. Wang’s research creates novel mechanisms for resource sharing, collaborative transportation solution, cost-effective operations in production and service scheduling, supply chains, and for promotion of fairness in resource allocation.


Dr. Wang also works with Illinois-based industry partners to improve their strategic planning and operational practices in human resources, manufacturing, distribution, and software systems. Before returning to academia, he worked for FedEx Express as a senior operations research analyst, in charge of multiple projects involving network planning, logistics operations, system optimization, and data visualization. His research has been published in journals such as Naval Research Logistics, Transportation Research Part B, European Journal of Operational Research, and Annals of Data Science. He received the 2022 IISE best Logistics and Supply Chain track paper award. Dr. Wang serves as the president of INFORMS Chicago Chapter. His research has been sponsored by multiple companies and government agencies.



