博学笃行 止于至善
11月14日下午-The history of stochastic Maxwell equations
发布时间: 2018-11-12 13:40 作者: 点击: 195

报告题目: The history of stochastic Maxwell equations


报告摘要: Stochastic Maxwell equations play an important role in many fields, e.g., stochastic electromagnetism and statistical radiophysics. In this talk, we will give a briefly introduction of stochastic Maxwell equations. Finally, we will propose several interesting and challenging problems for stochastic Maxwell equations.


报告人: 姬利海 (北京应用物理与计算数学研究所)

报告时间:  2018.11.14 (周三 下午 15:00-16:00)

报告地点: 逸夫楼 716